Purchasing something through finance has become a more common way of paying than ever before, whether that be for an inevitable emergency, a high-value product or home improvement. This could be something such as replacing or installing new windows with a FENSA Approved Installer, and it’s proved to be a convenient and flexible way of spreading the cost.
Finance is available for UK citizens between the ages of 18-75 with a steady income, so if you’re looking for a flexible payment option for your home improvements, read on to learn about our partnership with Improveasy Finance Solutions.
When you’re purchasing goods through finance, what you’re essentially doing is borrowing money to pay for the goods you want to buy. For example, you may need to start some home improvements and you might not have the money needed to make it happen today. However, you could be able to get a loan to finance it.
But unlike when you receive a personal or short term loan, the money that you’re borrowing doesn’t go into your bank account. This means that you don’t actually physically see the money, and the money will instead go straight to the vender you’re buying the goods from.
You’ll then be expected to pay back the loan, possibly on a monthly or weekly basis, thus spreading the costs into affordable amounts.
Before applying for finance, you first need to be sure it’s the right decision for you. Make sure you’re informed about what home improvement you’re planning to have and it’s cost, then make sure you will be able to afford the repayments.
The amount you’ll be financed on will depend on what you’re choosing to renovate, the lender and your individual situation.
These can include factors such as:
Our partner Improveasy is a specialist home improvement finance company that offer a wide range of finance solutions. Improveasy can offer you a flexible payment options and will help you cover the whole cost of the job, not just the building materials.
Improveasy specialises in finance packages for home improvements, and can help you finance a variety of home improvement measures including:
With everything happening in the world, our homes have become our sanctuary; as most of us eat, sleep and work in the same space. Home improvements don’t just look good, they also provide us with the ability to be proud of our home, so we can wake up happy and ready to work in our favourite environment each day.
Get a quote from a FENSA Approved Installer today, and see what finance options are waiting for you.
Get a quote today from your local FENSA Approved Installers and relax knowing you'll get a FENSA certificate when the job's done.