FENSA Recycling


uPVC Windows Recycling Scheme

FENSA have today launched a free uPVC recycling scheme for its Approved Installers across Scotland, Wales and the North and midlands of England, helping the glazing industry to become more sustainable and helping homeowners feel reassured that their window installer is doing everything they can for the planet.


As a society, we are all becoming increasingly concerned by the impact of plastic waste on the environment, so diverting window and door frames from landfill with this scheme will be hugely beneficial for everyone concerned. 


Once collected, the end-of-life PVC-U windows, door frames and offcuts are re-processed to produce a recycled pellet, from which new PVC-U products may be directly manufactured or combined with virgin material to make new windows and doors.  Thus the 'circular economy' is completed whilst diverting old frames from landfill and significantly increasing the sustainability of the glazing industry.


FENSA Approved Installers signed up to the recycling scheme receive a certificate at the end of the year which records the amount of waste material they have recycled. If you’re looking for a responsible and sustainable window installer then you can get a quote from a FENSA Approved Installer here


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