Recycle Your Timber with FENSA


FENSA are pleased to be able to announce another expansion of the FENSA Recycling Schemes. Along with the range of recycling schemes already available, UPVC, Aluminium and Glass, the addition of Timber completes FENSA’s already comprehensive material collection service.


FENSA are always looking for ways to extend the benefit offering available to Installers, and we hope everyone will continue to use these services.


Community Wood Recycling 


The Timber recycling scheme is in partnership with Community Wood Recycling (CWR), a network of social enterprises collecting and reusing waste wood in the most environmentally beneficial way and creating jobs and training for disadvantaged people.


By getting involved in CWR’s Timber Recycling scheme, you can contribute to creating life changing opportunities for a wide range of disadvantaged people who will gain confidence and self-esteem, learn a range of useful and transferable skills enabling them to get back to work. People CWR help include ex-offenders, those with mild mental health or learning difficulties and people who have come through drug and alcohol abuse.




The Benefits of Recycling Waste Wood


- You can save money

- Make an even greater contribution to sustainability

- Cut your waste disposal costs

- Promote reuse and reduce energy use and pollution

- Help us bring positive change to disadvantaged peoples’ lives

- Fulfil CSR and environmental policy commitments



What Wood Can They Collect?


CWR will collect virtually all waste timber, wood composites, furniture and wooden items, regardless of type or condition. Collections comprised mostly of heavy material such as fire doors, kitchen units or offcuts of sheet materials are charged on a ‘Minimum Load’ basis.


Facts You Should Know: 


100% of the Timber CWR collect is either reused or recycled, meaning nothing is going to landfill and creating unnecessary waste. 


In 2022 alone, CWR provided training and work opportunities for over 600 local unemployed people and created 249 jobs.


Last year, CWR rescued almost 24,000 tonnes of wood, which is twice the weight of the Eiffel Tower!


How You Can Recycle Your Timber: 


If you’d like to arrange a collection, please contact CWR, on 01273 20 30 40, or alternatively, please send CWR an email on and someone will be in touch.




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